求一篇英语作文 关于旅游路线的,英语翻译:旅游线路

求一篇英语作文 关于旅游路线的

1、求一篇英语作文 关于旅游路线的

米思出国英语Hello, Mr. James. I am Wang Li. I am glad to tell you something about a travel routine you may be interested in. The coach will be the most effective transport that can take you directly to The Yellow Mountain from The city of Hefei where you have currently lodged. You will spend approximately 2 hours on the motorway and This fare would be 50 Yuan ( about 6 US Dollars) .Once you will have arrived in the destination, there is a 3 star hotel , 4 Seasons, that I have made a reservation for you, just down the coach station. It is the hotel telephone number : 1234567 . You may confirm the reservation through the phone line. (不带开头已给单词 97wors)The coach will be the most effective transport that can take you directly to The Yellow Mountain from The city of Hefei where you have currently lodged. 这句话使用了2个定语从句(that 定从, where 定从)使用从句可以让你的写作看起来更加的正式,表示了你对对方的尊重。You will spend approximately 2 hours on the motorway and This fare would be 50 Yuan ( about 6 US Dollars) . 这是一个and 并列句,把“路上的时间”和“长途汽车票价”连接了起来,and并列句的好处是把一些“零碎的信息”连接起来,不至于让信息显得太琐碎。Once you will have arrived in the destination, there is a 3 star hotel , 4 Seasons, that I have made a reservation for you, just down the coach station. 这里使用了一个状语从句,和一个同位语,它们的好处是可以包含丰富的信息,这样可以更加详细介绍“四季酒店”。It is the hotel telephone number : 1234567 . You may confirm the reservation through the phone line. 结尾使用了2个简单句,简洁明了的做个总结。不带开头已给单词 97wors)。



summary of tourist routes。

英文旅游线路,安排一个 泉州-厦门-泉州 三日的旅游线路。

3、英文旅游线路,安排一个 泉州-厦门-泉州 三日的旅游线路。

Day 01: Arrival in Quanzhou 8:00 Upon arrival in Beijingin Quanzhou, we visit Kaiyuan Temple, the Stone Tower. 12:00 Lunch at XX restaurant. after lunch, we you will continue the tour to the Jimei Village - the hometown of patriotic overseas Chinese Chen Jiageng. 18:00 Check in XX hotel. after that, have dinner.Tourists can have a rest at the hotel or go out to enjoy the nightlife in Quanzhou. Day 02: 7:00 Morning call, have breafast(buffet). 8:30 check out and drive to Xiamen. Take a city tour to visit the Gulangyu Islet, No.44 Bridge, the one and only Piano Museum in China and Egret Garden. in the evening, go shopping at Longtoulu shopping street, then go back hotel. Day 03: After breakfast, visit the Stone Forest, then transfer to the shopping street for the free activities. In the afternoon drive back to Quanzhou. After dinner, the tour ends.。



Xian travel route recommended (east), The banpo neolithic village Emperor qin shihuang's mausoleum warriors HuaQingChi LiShan Lintong museum HongMenYan sites Textual tomb Mountain scenic area Xian tourist routes (west) recommended QianLing museum Mercutio yanling Xianyang museum zhaoling Huo qu bing's tomb Yang's tomb Famen temple Xian travel route recommended (forms), Xingjiao temple The temple Du fu temple Cui mountain, South wutai, Fine afternoon Taiwan Wrung water cave Lantian ape-man site Surface ta-pa-ni Soup valley Goldfish ditch Floor guangtai Cottage temple XianYou temple The taibai mountain Xian travel route recommended (uptown) Extrattrestrial temple YaoWangShan stone Eric states kiln museum mausoleum Sima qian temple The hukou waterfall Yenan, Xian city tour routes recommended), wall Shaanxi history museum The stele forest museum The wild goose pagoda and the temple And the small wild goose pagoda in the jianfu temple The banpo neolithic village, big mosque Xian Ming Great Wall tower The drum QingLongSi The eighth route army offices 西安旅游路线推荐(东线) 半坡博物馆 秦始皇陵 兵马俑 华清池 骊山 临潼博物馆 鸿门宴遗址 扁鹊墓 华山风景区 西安旅游路线推荐(西线) 乾陵博物馆 茂陵 咸阳博物馆 昭陵 霍去病墓 杨贵妃墓 法门寺 西安旅游路线推荐(南线) 兴教寺 香积寺 杜甫祠 翠华山 南五台 嘉午台 榨水溶洞 蓝田猿人遗址 水陆庵 汤峪 金鱼沟 楼观台 草堂寺 仙游寺 太白山 西安旅游路线推荐(北线) 三原城隍庙 药王山石刻 耀州窑博物馆 黄帝陵 司马迁祠 壶口瀑布 延安 西安旅游路线推荐(城区) 城墙 陕西历史博物馆 碑林博物馆 大雁塔和大慈恩寺 小雁塔和荐福寺 半坡博物馆、大清真寺 西安明城墙 钟楼 鼓楼 青龙寺 八路军办事处。



I Remember Mama is my favourite American movie. Education has been a primary concern in many traditional families. In I Remember Mama, Martha and her husband Lars show high respect for education. Especially Martha, she plays an influential role within her family. She tells her children that knowledge is priceless. They invite Mr. Hyde to read them books in the evening. Although Mr. Hyde has left them a collection of his books without getting paid a couple months of rents, Martha does not get angry with him. Instead, she tells her children that the value of all of his books have greatly exceeded the total amount of his unpaid rents. Nevertheless, Martha and Lars always encourage and support their children to keep on pursing their educational goals. It is very important for children to understand their family values. 呵呵,我的回答不错吧,如果采纳j就请加分额..多谢多谢.2011-08-10 2:10:12。

怎样用英语咨询旅游路线 价格 折扣

6、怎样用英语咨询旅游路线 价格 折扣

excuse me,how can i go to the great mountain from here? how much is the digital camera? is there any promotion in this digital camera sales。
