What are the top ten tourist destinations in English?

What are the top ten tourist destinations in English?

Here's my list of the top 10 most visited countries in the world: "United States" "China" "India" "Brazil" "France" "Spain" "Italy" "Turkey" "Germany" "Japan" "Canada" \

Here's a list of some popular tourist destinations: 1. London, 2. Paris, 3. New York, 4. Rome, 5. Barcelona, 6. Madrid, 7. Amsterdam, 8. Tokyo, 9. Bangkok, 10. Sydney

The top 10 tourist destinations in English are London, Paris, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Singapore."

"Top 10 Tourist Destinations In English"

Top 10 Tourist Destinations in English: - New York City, - London, - Paris, - Rome, - Barcelona, - Tokyo, - Bangkok, - Berlin, - Sydney, - Madrid

Top 10 Tourist Destinations in English: - **隔音墙** - **断桥** - **隔水层** - **务虚利** - **衣带渐宽** - **不说话** - **麻麻的** - **一笑泯恩仇** - **虎视眈眈** - **一口吃下去** - **牛刀客**

Here's my list of the top 10 most visited travel destinations in the world: - #1: **隔阂** - The Great Wall of China, - #2. **虎穴** - Grand Canyon National Park, - #3. **洋溢着欢乐的海滩** - Miami Beach, - #4. **衣袂飘扬的城市** - Paris, - #5. **拉美风情** - Cancun, - #6. **一杯咖啡,一片面包** - Vienna, - #7. **众神之城** - Athens, - #8. **是一个天堂的地方** - Bali, - #9. **是一种生活方式** - Rio de Janeiro, - #10. **一句话:"旅行就是一种生活方式。** - Barcelona ###

Top 10 Tourist Destinations in English: - London, - Paris, - Rome, - New York, - Barcelona, - Amsterdam, - Berlin, - Madrid, - Sydney, - Chicago, - Toronto

"The 10 most visited places in the world are: **Tokyo**, **麻麻**,**Paris**,**Rome**,**New York City**,**Barcelona**,**London**,**Moscow**,**Sydney**和**Auckland**。"
