


1,曼谷泰国大王宫(Grand palace, Bangkok, Thailand)Bangkok Thailand's grand palace, also known as the Palace Museum, is the palace of the king of Thailand's Bangkok dynasty king I to king viii.(曼谷泰国大王宫又称故宫,是泰国曼谷王朝1世王至8世王的王宫。)The grand palace covers a total area of 218,400 square meters and is located in the center of the capital Bangkok.(大王宫的总面积为21.84万平方米,位于首都曼谷市中心。)Nestled beside the chao phraya river, it is the most spectacular collection of ancient buildings in Bangkok.(依偎在湄南河畔,是曼谷市内最为壮观的古建筑群。)2,玉佛寺(The jade Buddha temple)Jade Buddha temple is located in the northeast corner of Bangkok grand palace.(玉佛寺位于曼谷大王宫的东北角。)It is the most famous buddhist temple in Thailand and one of the three national treasures of Thailand.(是泰国最著名的佛寺,也是泰国3大国宝之1。)The jade Buddha temple, built in 1784, is part of the grand palace of Thailand.(建于1784年的玉佛寺是泰国大王宫的1部分,面积约占大王宫的1/4。)3,普吉岛(Island of phuket)Phuket, the "pearl" of the andaman sea and the largest island in Thailand, is a typical tourist resort in southeast Asia.(泰国最大的岛屿、安达曼海的“珍珠”普吉岛是东南亚具有代表性的旅游度假胜地。)4,芭堤雅(pattaya)Pattaya, famous for its sunshine, sand beach and seafood, is known as the "Oriental Hawaii" and is a world famous new seaside resort.(芭堤雅,以阳光、沙滩、海鲜名扬天下,被誉为“东方夏威夷”,是世界著名的新兴海滨旅游度假胜地。)5,皮皮岛(phi)phi island is about 20 kilometers southeast of phuket, Thailand.(皮皮岛位于泰国普吉岛东南约20公里处。)It is a sister island of two main islands, the big pipi in the north and the small pipi in the south.(是由两个主要岛屿(北部的大皮皮岛和南部的小皮皮岛)组成的姐妹岛。)参考资料来源:。



世界旅游组织(World Tourism Organization ) The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO/OMT) is a specialized agency of the United ‎Nations and the leading international organization in the field of tourism. It serves as a ‎global forum for tourism policy issues and a practical source of tourism know-how.‎ UNWTO plays a central and decisive role in promoting the development of responsible, ‎sustainable and universally accessible tourism, paying particular attention to the ‎interests of developing countries.‎ The Organization encourages the implementation ‎of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, with a view to ensuring that member ‎countries, tourist destinations and businesses maximize the positive economic, ‎social and cultural effects of tourism and fully reap its benefits, while minimizing its ‎negative social and environmental impacts.‎ Its membership includes 160 countries and territories and more than 350 Affiliate ‎Members representing the private sector, educational institutions, tourism associations ‎and local tourism authorities.‎ Direct actions that strengthen and support the efforts of National Tourism ‎Administrations are carried out by UNWTO's regional representatives (Africa, the ‎Americas, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and South Asia) based at ‎the Headquarters in Madrid.‎ UNWTO is committed to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, geared ‎toward reducing poverty and fostering sustainable development.‎。



大雁塔 Dayan Tower 名胜古迹 place of historical interest and scenic beauty; 或scenic spots and historical sites 总的介绍 gernerally speaking 虚构成了,也就是"改编成了":transcribed , recomposed。



For sightseeing, I'd like to give you some advice.Taking bike is a better way for that purpose. It is easy to go and stop. Whenever you find anything interesting, you can just put the bike and go away. Besides, you know that you won't get stuck in any traffic.But also you should be careful with cycling. You should wear a helmet. Besides the traffic light, you should be careful about those careless drivers. Before you leave your bike, always lock it. Have fun!



The Harbin Ice FestivalThe Harbin Ice Festival, established in 1985, is held annually from January 5 and lasts for over one month. Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province and this is China's original and greatest ice artwork festival, attracting hundreds of thousands of local people and visitors from all over the world.The city's location in northeast China accounts for its arctic climate which provides abundant natural ice and snow. Subsequently, the 'Ice City' of Harbin is recognized as the cradle of ice and snow art in China and is famous for its exquisite and artistic ice and snow sculptures. The fabulous Ice Lantern Festival was the forerunner of the current festival and is still the best loved part of the overall event in the opinion of all who come to Harbin each year.The Derivation of the Ice LanternThe first Ice lanterns were a winter-time tradition in northeast China. During the Qing Dynasty(1644 - 1911), the local peasants and fishermen often made and used ice lanterns as jack-lights during the winter months. At that time these were made simply by pouring water into a bucket that was then put out in the open to freeze. It was then gently warmed before the water froze completely so that the bucket-shaped ice could be pulled out. A hole was chiseled in the top and the water remaining inside poured out creating a hollow vessel. A candle was then placed inside resulting in a windproof lantern that gained great popularity in the region around Harbin.From then on, people made ice lanterns and put them outside their houses or gave them to children to play with during some of the traditional festivals. Thus the ice lantern began its long history of development. With novel changes and immense advancement in techniques, today we can marvel at the various delicate and artistic ice lanterns on display.Today's Ice LanternNowadays, ice lantern in broad sense refers to a series of plastic arts using ice and snow as raw material combining ice artworks with colored lights and splendid music. The specific patterns of ice lantern include ice and snow sculptures, ice flowers, ice architectures and so on.Harbin Ice Festival provides the visitors each year a whole new world of ice and snow. The best collections of ice artworks are exhibited in three main places: the Sun Island Park, Harbin Ice and Snow World, and Zhaolin Park.The Sun Island Park is the site of the Snow Sculpture Exposition displaying a wonderful snow world. It has the world's largest indoor ice and snow art museum and it opens to the public from November every year.Harbin Ice and Snow World came into being in 1999 and is one of the world's largest ice architecture parks. The inspiration for the ice and snow sculptures there usually is derived from traditional Chinese fairy tales or world famous architectures such as the Great Wall, the Egyptian Pyramids, etc.Zhaolin Park is a 'must see' during the Harbin Ice Festival because it has a traditional program that shows the most excellent ice lanterns. With water, lights and the natural ice from the Songhua River running through Harbin as the material, the ice lanterns are made by freezing water, piling up ice or snow, then carving, enchasing, decorating, etc. The ice lantern park touring activities have been held here annually since 1963 and is said to be one of the most wonderful 35 tourist attractions in China. There are numerous pieces of ice artworks in the park arranged in groups according to different themes depicting Chinese classic masterworks, European folktales and customs and so on. A great variety of objects such as buildings, gardens, flowers, waterfalls, European-styled churches, lions, tigers, dragons are carved from ice. In the daytime, the ice sculptures are magnificent and verisimilitude. Moreover, with the interspersion of the sparkling colored lights embedded in the sculptures at night, the park becomes a glorious and amazing ice world.Today, Harbin Ice Festival is not only an exposition of ice and snow art, but also an annual cultural event for international exchange. Every year, there are many ice sculpture experts, artists and fans from America, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Russia, China, etc. gathering in Harbin to participate ice sculpting competitions and to communicate with each other in the ice and snow world. Also, Harbin ice lanterns have been exhibited in most of China's main cities as well as in many countries in Asia, Europe, North America, Africa and Oceania. For more than 40 years, Harbin's natural resource of ice and snow has been fully explored to provide joy and fun for visitors to the city. Now during the festival, many sporting competitions are also popular including ice-skating, sledding and so on. Weddings, parties and other entertainments are now very much a feature of this ice world, adding their own contribution to the celebrations of this great festival of art, culture, sports and tourism.。



悉尼旅游景点英语介绍Australia's premier city is the oldest settlement in Australia, the economic powerhouse of the nation and the country's capital, Canberra is everything but name. Built on the shores of the stunning Port Jackson, you would have to die and go to heaven before you see a more spectacular setting for a city. It's a vital, self-regarding metropolis, making itself a melting pot with people from all over the world.。
