


Everyday morning i go to school by bike . My home is far from school. But sometimes it is raining outside , i must change the way how can i go to school. So maybe i take the bus or take the taxi to school. I always think that if my home is near school . I will walk to schoo, it will be better than now. I often feel tired when i go to school from my home ,it is take a long time . But i think i will try to feel good.。



从家到学校的路线的英语作文:I am starting from home, first through a supermarket, in the south have been walking in a department store before turning, cross the road, the last 10 minutes walk to the school.看看别人的作文不够自己学会写作文来的实在,建议报课学习外教在线英语辅导班学习英语写作,效果很好的。先给你分享免费试听课地址:【。



对应的英语:Way to school.After walking out my house community, I go to the bus stop and take bus 88 for five stops. I get off the bus at People’s Square, and walk for five minutes. My school is on the right side of the Renmin Road.。



On the way from home to schoolFirst of all, go out of the house to the road to take the bus.Transfer when you get there.。



对应的英语: Way to school. After walking out my house community, I go to the bus stop and take bus 88 for five stops. I get off the bus at People’s Square, and walk for five minutes. My school is on the right side of the Renmin Road.。



对应的英语: Way to school. After walking out my house community, I go to the bus stop and take bus 88 for five stops. I get off the bus at People’s Square, and walk for five minutes. My school is on the right side of the Renmin Road.。
