关于西安旅游的英语作文 80词,西安光大旅行社英文名称以及简称是什么?急?
1、关于西安旅游的英语作文 80词
I'm very happy that we visited Xi'an last year. We enjoy those days in Xi'an very much. Xi'an is a great city, it has long history and great views. We went to the Xi'an museum,and the great two towers. I also saw the great ancient soldiers, and a lot of wonderful things. Xi'an also has clean and wide streets, high buildings and a lot of good food. I love the noodles! Xi'an is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit it. I also saw many foreign visitors, they' were all very interested in Xi'an. I was so proud about xi'an, and our great country.。
全称:XI'aneverbrightinternationaltravelservice 简称:EITS 汉语全称:西安光大国际旅行社。
Last Chinese New Year. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to xian by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“tingting, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy。
第1天(东线):秦始皇兵马俑、秦始皇陵、华清池。 1.1号早上到西安后,在解放路上的西7路吃完早餐后(那里比较便宜),直接到西安火车站东广场(火车站售票口前面)坐游5(306)路到兵马俑下。 提示:游5(306)路车辆拥有标准的外形。灰色黄海大巴门徽上印制着“西安公共交通总公司”标志,前挡风玻璃顶端有“306工人先锋号”标志,风挡上侧印有“缓堵保畅”字样。司乘人员身穿的公交制服,右臂上有蓝色标识的星牌。每辆车都按规定路线行驶,车上会有乘务员按标准进行普通话和哑语报站,用英语进行沿途景点介绍。正规游5等车时要排队上车,到车上才买票,尤其是不会提前售票,不售往返票。广场上有很多游5(306)路黑车,千万不要坐,以免上当。 现在秦始皇帝陵博物院是通票(包括秦始皇兵马俑博物馆、秦始皇陵、秦始皇陵遗址公园、百戏俑坑博物馆、石铠甲博物馆。博物院内交通不收费,即游客乘坐院内交通工具不再收费)。 2.参观完兵马俑,在兵马俑坐307路、914路、游5(306)路,华清池下。浏览华清池。 3.如果还有时间,可以去大唐华清城(免费)。 华清池内主要景点:芙蓉园、唐御汤遗址、贵妃池、梨园、唐代水井、骊山温泉、碑海书林、9龙湖、5间厅等。 注意:在临潼吃饭时小心被宰,吃饭前先看好菜单价格。最好找有笑脸标志的饭馆(现在临潼所有的饭馆分为3种,都有标志)。 4.在华清池坐307路,大雁塔下。顺着小寨东路往西不到300米路北有1家7天连锁酒店,那里的住宿相对便宜1些,也方便以后的行程。如果住满,可以往西到翠华路十字往南50米的西安如家快捷酒店(大雁塔通易坊店)。 第2天(西线):法门寺。 在翠华路坐24路,大唐芙蓉园下。在大唐芙蓉园坐盛唐之旅路公交车到法门寺(9点由大唐芙蓉园西门出发,下午4点半返回。购买法门寺门票可免费乘车去法门寺)。 法门寺游览提醒: 1.去法门寺旧址的路上会有人兜售香烛,如果搭话的话,会1直纠缠不放,最好不要理睬; 2.下车后会有人推销18元的“法门寺东方佛都”门票,不要购买,这只是个私人开放的小景点; 3.游览法门寺切记从法门寺旧址进旧址出,因为班车车站都设在旧址附近。 法门寺美食:豆腐脑、浇汤面、馇酥、锅盔馍夹辣子、岐山哨子面。 法门寺特产:法门寺素饼、鹿糕京、秦淑、凤党、5味子、岐山稍子面、腊驴肉、马勺脸谱、罩金漆器、木板年画等。 第3天(西安市内):陕西省历史博物馆、大雁塔、大雁塔北广场音乐喷泉、碑林博物馆、明城墙、钟楼或鼓楼、回民街。 1.陕西省历史博物馆现在免费但不免票(带上有效身份证件领票)。每天只发4次票,早点去,否则,领票排队时间比较长。 2.参观完陕博可以坐公交到大雁塔南广场下进大雁塔。 3.游览完大雁塔,从大雁塔南广场往北到大雁塔北广场看音乐喷泉(大雁塔北广场音乐喷泉是亚洲第1大音乐喷泉)。 4.在大雁塔坐23路、游4路区间,文昌门下,参观碑林博物馆。 5.参观完碑林博物馆。可以从文昌门上明城墙。顺着明城墙往西到南门下明城墙。 6.下城墙后,坐公交或走到钟楼。下钟楼地下通道购票上钟楼,游览完钟楼从钟鼓楼广场到鼓楼(建议上了钟楼就不要上鼓楼),游览完鼓楼后,可以从鼓楼两面往北进回民1条街。那里是西安回民小吃最全的地方。
I'm very happy that we visited Xi'an last year.We enjoy those days in Xi'an very much.Xi'an is a great city,it has long history and great views.We went to the Xi'an museum,and the great two towers. I also saw the great ancient soldiers,and a lot of wonderful things.Xi'an also has clean and wide streets,high buildings and a lot of good food.I love the noodles! Xi'an is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit it.I also saw many foreign visitors,they' were all very interested in Xi'an.I was so proud about xi'an,and our great country.。