


This summer vacation,I went to Hainan with my mom.We went to there by air.And we bought a lot of local friut there. I often swam in the sea and I play beach vollyball with my mom.It was really fun!But I can not eat too much sea food ,because I do not like it.We were very happy in Hainan! [解释:在夏天,我将要和我妈妈去海南。。。。】。


自我介绍 大家好,很高兴借此机会来介绍我自己。我叫…...,英文名叫……,来自美丽的广西桂林,现就读于南宁职业技术学院,主修会计。我在业余生活喜欢读书、写字、听音乐、交朋友。我是1个自信的人,执着而有耐心是我最大的特点。英语是我的最爱,对我很重要,我希望将来能成为1位英语老师,和许许多多的学生分享我的经历。谢谢! Self-Introduction Hello everyone! I would like to take thisopportunity to introduce myself. My name is ……, but you can just call me ……. Icome from a beautiful city Guilin Guangxi. I’m currently a student at Nanning College for Vocational Technology andmajoring in accounting. My favorite pastimes are reading、writing、listeningto music and spending time with my friends. I’m confident to myself. Persistenceand patience is my biggest personality. English is my favorite subject and itis important to me. I want to be an English teacher in the future and share myexperience with them. That’s all. Thank you.。




Now I introduce you to a tourist destination. 现在我介绍给大家1个旅游地。


Xian is a country with a long history and culture of the tourist city。

6、英语翻译(tourist sights 旅游景点)(foreign 国外的)(introduce 介绍)(recognize 认出)

我想见那个修好我的车的机械师。 I want to see the engineer who repaired my computer.我正在寻找1个能修我电脑的人。 I am looking for a person who can repair my computer.我正在寻找1张显示旅游景点的地图 I am looking for a map on which there are tourist sights.1家新的可以放外国电影的电影院。(This is) a new cinena which can show foreign movies.她就是介绍Tom 给 Mary 认识的那个女孩。 She is the girl who introduced Tom to Mary. 她就是那个教我们法语的老师。 She is the teacher who teaches us Franch.。
