


Xian travel route recommended (east), The banpo neolithic village Emperor qin shihuang's mausoleum warriors HuaQingChi LiShan Lintong museum HongMenYan sites Textual tomb Mountain scenic area Xian tourist routes (west) recommended QianLing museum Mercutio yanling Xianyang museum zhaoling Huo qu bing's tomb Yang's tomb Famen temple Xian travel route recommended (forms), Xingjiao temple The temple Du fu temple Cui mountain, South wutai, Fine afternoon Taiwan Wrung water cave Lantian ape-man site Surface ta-pa-ni Soup valley Goldfish ditch Floor guangtai Cottage temple XianYou temple The taibai mountain Xian travel route recommended (uptown) Extrattrestrial temple YaoWangShan stone Eric states kiln museum mausoleum Sima qian temple The hukou waterfall Yenan, Xian city tour routes recommended), wall Shaanxi history museum The stele forest museum The wild goose pagoda and the temple And the small wild goose pagoda in the jianfu temple The banpo neolithic village, big mosque Xian Ming Great Wall tower The drum QingLongSi The eighth route army offices 西安旅游路线推荐(东线) 半坡博物馆 秦始皇陵 兵马俑 华清池 骊山 临潼博物馆 鸿门宴遗址 扁鹊墓 华山风景区 西安旅游路线推荐(西线) 乾陵博物馆 茂陵 咸阳博物馆 昭陵 霍去病墓 杨贵妃墓 法门寺 西安旅游路线推荐(南线) 兴教寺 香积寺 杜甫祠 翠华山 南5台 嘉午台 榨水溶洞 蓝田猿人遗址 水陆庵 汤峪 金鱼沟 楼观台 草堂寺 仙游寺 太白山 西安旅游路线推荐(北线) 3原城隍庙 药王山石刻 耀州窑博物馆 黄帝陵 司马迁祠 壶口瀑布 延安 西安旅游路线推荐(城区) 城墙 陕西历史博物馆 碑林博物馆 大雁塔和大慈恩寺 小雁塔和荐福寺 半坡博物馆、大清真寺 西安明城墙 钟楼 鼓楼 青龙寺 8路军办事处。



西安旅游的英语作文(带翻译)本文是关于西安的话题作文,仅供大家参考!西安是陕西省的首都在中国和1个城市。作为中国历史上最重要的城市之1,小编收集了西安旅游的英语作文,欢迎阅读。 西安旅游的英语作文1I'm very happy that we visited Xi'an last year.We enjoy those days in Xi'an very much.Xi'an is a great city,it has long history and great views.We went to the Xi'an museum,and the great two towers.I also saw the great ancient soldiers,and a lot of wonderful things.Xi'an also has clean and wide streets,high buildings and a lot of good food.I love the noodles!Xi'an is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit it.I also saw many foreign visitors,they' were all very interested in Xi'an.I was so proud about xi'an,and our great country.带翻译:我很高兴我们去年参观了西安。我们很喜欢在西安的那些日子。西安是1个伟大的城市,它有悠久的历史和伟大的观点。我们去了西安博物馆,和伟大的两座塔楼。我也看到了古代伟大的士兵,很多美好的事情。西安也有清洁和宽阔的街道,高楼和很多好的食物。我喜欢面条!西安太可爱了,许多人去参观它。我还看到许多外国游客,他们都是西安非常感兴趣。我对西安非常自豪,和我们伟大的国家。西安旅游的英语作文2I just came back from XI'an .As is known to everyone ,。
